I am on a mission to assist expectant mothers-to-be, busy and active individuals, as well as those weekend warriors, in simplifying their journey to pain relief. My aim is to empower you to move with ease, feel better, enhance your functionality, and perform at your best, quickly and efficiently.

Here, you'll find no gimmicks, no surprises, and certainly no overpriced care plans. At Chastain Wellness Center, you are not just a case but a whole individual, more than any injury, condition, or ailment. Your health objectives are of paramount importance to me, and my ultimate aspiration is to guide you in becoming your strongest and most resilient self.

Stay in excellent health, maintain your happiness, and keep moving forward!

In health,

Dr. Abha Chopra Verma





  • Chiropractic adjustments are provided to restore appropriate and optimal joint movement and function. This allows reduced pain by decreasing the pressure on the surrounding muscles and tissues.

    Dr. Abha Chopra’s main goal is first to get you out of pain. And, secondly, get you moving and functioning optimally. Dr. Abha Chopra is a firm believer that movement is medicine. To move well, you have to function well. Dr. Abha Chopra uses a variety of diversified techniques in order to let your body heal quicker, reduce pain and discomfort, increase range of motion and most importantly, allow your body and nervous system to function as optimally as possible.

    Chiropractic adjustments are not only for your neck and back. Other common joints that can be adjusted include: ankles, feet, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, wrists and fingers. Dr. Abha Chopra is certified through the Council on Extremity Adjusting, which allows her to be proficient in adjusting extra spinal joints (also known as your extremities) in addition to your spine.

  • Dr. Abha Chopra is certified in the Webster Protocol, a specific chiropractic adjusting protocol that balances pelvic muscles and ligaments, thereby reducing torsion to the uterus. Websters technique can also help offer a greater potential for optimal fetal positioning as well. Dr. Abha Chopra truly enjoys educating mothers on pre & post natal care to help ensure reduced labor times, decrease pain (pre / during / post) and quicker healing recovery postpartum.

    Dr. Abha Chopra recommends pediatric care as early as when the baby is in-utero! Pediatric chiropractic care is simple, safe and very gentle. Dr. Abha Chopra has taken various modules through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association in order to better serve your sweet little ones.

    Gentle, specific chiropractic care for infants and babies has helped resolve issues such as Torticollis, Colic, Ear Infections, Constipation amongst others.

    I encourage you to bring your kids in for a check-up and see how chiropractic care can benefit them!

  • Dr. Abha Chopra is a Graston Technique Specialist, with certifications in M1 and M2 protocols under the Graston Technique. This technique is a type of instrument assisted soft tissue technique.

    Graston Technique uses specially designed stainless steel instruments with unique treatment edges and angles to treat soft tissue lesions and fascial restrictions, resulting in improved range of motion, decreased pain and an increase in overall function. Graston Technique has helped patients with many issues such as Tennis Elbow, Plantar Fasciitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Chronic Neck or Back Pain.

    At CWC, Graston technique is often performed in addition to Chiropractic adjustments. It is also offered as an a la carte service.

  • Cupping is utilized as myofascial release for muscle recovery and wellness. The suction created by cupping therapy helps in release muscle spasm, increase blood flow, reduce pain, and break up adhesions between the muscle and fascia.

    Dr. Abha Chopra offers both dynamic and static cupping, depending on the presentation of the issue on hand. This specific IIAST technique is offered in conjunction with Chiropractic adjustments, but you can also receive this as an a la carte treatment.

  • Kinesiology taping is a great tool for improving posture, fluid and lymphatic flow, sport performance, and guiding new movement patterns.​ This is a great add-on to take your healing and performance to the next level.

